Tuesday, September 12, 2017

25 Signs You're a Real Adult

Alright, who else thought they'd be welcomed to adulthood in a dramatic, unmistakable moment? That there would be a clear event that you could point to, after which you'd always feel like a 'real' adult? My dad often says that he used to think becoming an adult happened like this, but that he's come to realize that no matter how old he gets, he never quite feels like he's finished becoming a real grownup. And the older I get, the more I understand what he was talking about.

Trashy Diva Irish Polka L'amour pregnant

Since I don't think we ever truly get that watershed 'omfg I've arrived in adulthood forever!' moment, I've decided to list all the little things that make me feel like I deserve a gold star for adulting. So without further ado, here are my top 25 'holy crap, I'm being a grownup!' activities:
  1. Flossing.
  2. Actually doing minor repairs on your clothing in a timely fashion, instead of tossing torn dresses (etc) on a nebulous to-be-mended pile and never wearing them again.
  3. Eating cookies for lunch.
  4. Not eating cookies for lunch.
  5. Filling up your car before the emergency gas light comes on.
  6. Showering on your day off (is this just me? I hate washing my hair so much.)
  7. Watching your language when you notice small children nearby.
  8. Eating salad for lunch instead of grilled cheese when you've got plans to go to a grilled-cheese restaurant for dinner. 
  9. Not having coffee after 2pm so you can fall asleep by 11pm-ish.
  10. Using a vacation auto responder on your email account when you're away. 
  11. Going to the dentist twice a year, even if your teeth don't hurt.
  12. Wiping down the stove every time you cook, instead of frantically cleaning before guests visit. (Note: I have yet to master this one.)
  13. Eating breakfast. Bonus points for eating before leaving the house for work, instead of buying food on the way. 
  14. Not spending all your discretionary income in the first three days after you get paid. (I'm working on it!)
  15. Calling your insurance company instead of hoping your question/problem will magically disappear.
  16. Getting eight hours of sleep at night!
  17. Driving in the general vicinity of the actual speed limit (because your car is precious and your life is more so!)
  18. Washing the dishes as soon as you've finished using them.
  19. Not buying every single dress that catches your fancy, since you're a) out of closet space and b) trying to save money for things like a kid's college fund and sundry other unforeseen expenses.
  20. Being able to get stains out of your clothes on your own (an especially useful skill when one is about to have a baby!)
  21. Wearing sunscreen or foundation with SPF every day.
  22. Writing thank-you notes even though no one is standing over you and forcing you to do it.
  23. Knowing when a leopard print dress is and is not appropriate for the occasion.
  24. Having an actual schedule for cleaning the bathroom and sticking to it, instead of frantically cleaning up right before guests come over. (I admit that Jeff is the only person in my household to achieve this level of adulting.)
  25. Feeling self-assured enough to compliment strangers!
Trashy Diva Irish Polka L'amour size 14
Dress: Trashy Diva Irish Polka L'amour
Shoes: Sam Edelman

What signals adulthood to you? What are the things you do that make you stand a little straighter and go 'yeah, I adulted like a serious boss today?'

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  1. I was definitely expecting to have a definitive moment of "growing up" as well and I sure haven't had it yet (and maybe never will haha!) I just feel like an overgrown kid in adults clothing 😂 I can check off a few on this list already, I may have eaten cookies for breakfast more times than I'm willing to admit hehe!

    Abbey 💓 http://www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

  2. This is a great post. I always feel like I 'adulted' well when I have an actual meal instead of cookies or sweets for lunch haha

  3. I always thought I would have a moment where I'm like "woah, I am now an adult" as well but it never happened and here I am doing a hell of a lot of things on that list haha x

    Claire | clairesyear.com

  4. Hahahaha this are very good adulting signs - my favourite is watching language around children! I'm getting there but still feel like a child tbh, but don't we all? x

  5. I laughed so hard about the eating cookies for lunch because that is so me. Not eating cookies for lunch is also such a shit I'm an adult moment! Great post - really enjoyed reading it and of course seeing another lovely dress!

    Jessica & James | www.foodandbaker.co.uk / www.foodandbakertravels.co.uk

  6. I keep waiting for this moment too. Haha. I really need to master #5 and #13 (totally ate a handful of french fries as I was leaving today and called it breakfast), haha.

  7. Hahaha eating cookies for lunch 😂 sometimes I'm really good and do lunch prep for days and other times I totally fail at adulting and have a crisps and chocolate diet hahaha! Loved this hun. I don't think you ever feel older in your mind. I'm almost 25 and got a place of my own but still don't feel like I'm properly 'adulting' haha. Over from littleowlblogs.wordpress.com x

  8. Hahaha eating cookies for lunch 😂 sometimes I'm really good and do lunch prep for days and other times I totally fail at adulting and have a crisps and chocolate diet hahaha! Loved this hun. I don't think you ever feel older in your mind. I'm almost 25 and got a place of my own but still don't feel like I'm properly 'adulting' haha. Over from littleowlblogs.wordpress.com x
