Wednesday, May 3, 2017

On Milestones (My 200th Post!)

Since the ability to remember idiosyncratic anniversaries and count small achievements is one of my hidden superpowers, I'm excited to report that this is my 200th blog post! (Seriously, I'm the kind of person who passes the time on the elliptical machine by multiplying the number of strides or calories per minute by the number of minutes remaining in my workout, and then trying to beat my projected totals. What can I say: it keeps my mind engaged!)

purple hawaiian hideaway dress

In any case: 200 posts in just over a year and four months. It certainly feels like a milestone! I've reflected on what blogging means to me and how it's changed my life for the better, but given the absolute [multiple expletives deleted] that is 2017 so far, I'm especially grateful for all this blog has given me.

pinup girl clothing purple hawaiian hideaway dress
It's not just fancy dresses...though they're quite important too!

The friends I met through a shared love of pretty dresses and vintage style have become a source of much-needed, must-appreciated positivity and support. When I woke up at 3:30am the night of the 2016 presidential election, it was my good pal Rebecca in Wales who commiserated with me while I freaked the heck out. (Thanks, time zones! For once, you helped us out!) When my sister was missing, it was so many of my pinup pals who, with countless friends from all stages of my life, shared and reposted her photo, making it possible for the image to finally find its way into the newsfeed of the woman who found her.

When I feel down these days, I'll often turn to my lists of happy thoughts, but more often than not, I'll just think about all the wonderful people I'm lucky enough to still have in my life. You know what? It helps more than words can say.

Seeing the very best of my fellow human beings has inspired me to work harder to become the type of person I want to be. Once you've gotten used to seeing people build each other up, you realize 1) it feels amazing and 2) it's your duty to stop being so bashful about telling your friends and acquaintances how awesome they are! As a result of the community I've found through blogging, I've gained so much confidence about sharing my admiration for other people and the amazing things they do. I just feel more comfortable in my own skin, y'know?

200 posts into this blogging thing, I'm pretty darn grateful for all of the changes it's brought to my life. Those life changes, to me, make all the hours of being stared at while taking outfit photos, editing said photos, carefully choosing the right words to express exactly what's inside my brain, and putting it out forever into Internet-Land some of the best things I've done in the past year and change.

grand jete

If you blog, what's your favorite part of having a blog?

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  1. Congrats on your milestone! I also love how positive and supportive our little corner of the internet is.
    I love that dress on you, and I'm so glad I scored my own, too! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Bristol! Aren't the Hawaiian Hideaways a delight? I'm glad you found one -- it's perfect for tiki time!

  2. Congrats on the blogging accomplishment. It's good to take pride in our work. Also, this is one pretty dress! For me, blogging is rewarding because of its opportunity for self-expression and its connecting us to like-minded readers (who turn into friends).

    1. Thank you so much! And this is one of my favorite sundresses 🌺🌺. You really summed up what I love about blogging -- it connects you to a community. It's so nice to have friends that share your interests!

  3. WOOT WOOT! 200 posts! I celebrate EVERYTHING so carry on celebrating girl! I love the friends I've made and have been making every effort to meet them in real life whenever possible. Speaking of, I am so trying to make a trip to Chicago happen in August so WATCH OUT! ;)

    1. Thank you, Sara!! And I think celebrating everything is the way to go. Life is hard enough, so why not make it more fun and appreciate the little victories?

      AND PLEASE COME TO CHICAGO! WE WILL HAVE SO MUCH FUN!! (This merits shouty capitals.)

  4. Congrats on your 200th post! I think it's totally worth keeping track of. Think of the people who give up before 10. 200 is totally an accomplishment. Blogging has added to my life so much. I can't imagine not doing it now. I'm still waiting on your beginner's guide to vintage fashion πŸ˜‰

    Breanna Catharina

  5. Ah congrats! I'd say my favourite things are contracting with others, producing nice content as I like being creative and just having fun with the whole process to be honest! <3

  6. Massive congrats on a truly fantastic blogging milestone, Emily! You must be so proud! I am so thankful to blogging for contributing a great deal to my life as well, I too turn to my more positive blog posts on down days! I have made some friends for life through the blogging community also, I don't know where I'd be without them! Again, well done you!

    Abbey ✨

  7. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. 200th is so big! Not sure we're even half way to that; The dress is so colorful! To so many more posts! xx corinne

  8. Congrats <3 It's pretty awesome getting to know people....I feel like one day we'll meet....oh yes, we'll meet!

  9. Congrats on 200 posts! Your photos are always so much fun, plus I LOVE your style! xx
